You’re So Last Summer!

But I hope you come back this summer!

Things I hope we bring back this summer, that have been lost over the year(s).

1. Killer in the Dark (Murder on a Leash).

2. Jenga

3. We Cheer (oh wait, never left…)

4. Catan

5. Tanning

6. The Reckoning

7. Nerf

8. Honesty [hey, that’s a good one!]

9. Oregon!

10. Quickly

11. Yogurtouille

12. Iced Chai

13. Free time

14. Hotness [weather wise… maybe]

One thought on “You’re So Last Summer!

  1. 2. Oh how I love Jenga 🙂 I’m kind of amazing we must duel. lol. I somehow can’t find my old set though so we have one on our wedding registry.

    3. I haven’t played that yet but want to.

    5. Tanning, yes you are horrible for our whiteness but we love you so much.

    … I can comment on more things but it would get out of control

    many new things for this summer too!

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